Dog Care

Course CodeBAG105
Fee CodeS1
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Learn to manage dogs

  • Become better equipped to look after your own pet
  • Develop a sound knowledge of dogs so that you can work with them; in your own business or employed by someone else
  • Follow your passion, and build a greater knowledge of "man's best friend!"

By learning to manage a dog, you will learn to better manage the environment it lives in.



Lesson Structure

There are 9 lessons in this course:

  1. Introduction to Dog Care
    • What Dogs Need
    • Food
    • Water
    • Physical and Psychological Environment
    • Exercise
    • Hygiene
    • Importance of Routine
    • Potential Problems and Owner Error
    • Uncertainty of pack position
    • Neglect
    • Escape
    • Attacking other people and animals
    • Physical damage
    • Illness
    • Which Breed is best
    • Choosing a puppy or adult dog
    • Outside living or inside pet
    • Restricting and confining a pet
    • Dealing with holidays
    • Training dogs
    • Socialising with other animals
    • Scope of Dog care industry
  2. Canine Biology
    • Anatomy
    • Mouth
    • Teeth
    • Ears
    • Eyes
    • Skeletal system
    • Digestive system
    • Normal physiological values
    • Circulation
    • Respiratory rates
    • Thermoregulation
  3. Dog Health Part 1
    • Introduction to nutrition and feeding
    • Nutritional Components
    • Carbohydrates
    • ProteinsFats
    • Minerals
    • Vitamins
    • Water
    • Changing requirements through different life stages
    • Growth period
    • Working and high performance period
    • Pregnancy and lactation period
    • Geriatric period
    • Feeding patterns -time controlled or free choice
    • Feed products
    • Commercial foods
    • Medicinal/veterinary foods
    • Home cooked Foods
    • Snacks and treats
    • Foods to avoid
    • Common nutritional disorders
    • Allergies
    • Poisoning
    • Preventative health
    • Diet supplements
    • Immunisation
    • Worms, tick and flea prevention
    • Exercise
    • Dental care
    • Skin and Nail Care
    • Basic First Aid Equipment
    • Assessing the Situation in an Emergency
    • What to do... (in accidents or at specific times)
    • Basic Resuscitation and CPR
  4. Dog Health Part 2 -Illnesses and Treatments
    • Introduction
    • Haemobartonellosis
    • Babesiosis
    • Von Willebrand’s Disease
    • Aortic Stenosis
    • Heart Failure
    • Heart Murmurs and Arrhythmias
    • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
    • Heartworm
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhoea
    • Giardia
    • Intestinal Worms
    • Enteritis
    • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
    • Diabetes Mellitus
    • Cushing’s Disease (Hyperadrenocorticism)
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Postpartum Hypocalcaemia (Eclampsia)
    • Conjunctivitis
    • Glaucoma
    • Cataracts
    • Ear mites
    • Deafness
    • Anaphylactic Shock
    • Lupus
    • Hip Dysplasia
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Epilepsy
    • Canine Degenerative Myelopathy (CDM)
    • Canine Distemper
    • Infectious Canine Tracheobronchitis (Kennel Cough)
    • Asthma
    • Mange
    • Ringworm
  5. Dog Breeds
    • Gundogs, Hounds, Pastoral, Terriers, Toy, Utility, Working
    • English Setter
    • Irish Setter
    • German Pointer
    • Golden Retriever
    • Labrador Retriever
    • Cocker Spaniel
    • Hungarian Vizsla
    • Beagle
    • Dachshund
    • Greyhound
    • Irish Wolfhound
    • Bassett Hound
    • Bassett Hound
    • Australian Cattle dog
    • Border Collie
    • German Shepherd
    • Old English Sheep Dog
    • Corgi
    • Staffordshire Bull Terrier
    • West Highland Terrier
    • Parson (Jack) Russell Terrier
    • Australian terrier
    • Scottish terrier
    • Chihuahua
    • Bichon Frisé
    • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
    • Pomeranian
    • Pug
    • Dalmatian
    • Poodle
    • Schnauzer
    • Shih Tzu
    • Alaskan Malumute
    • Great Dane
    • Mastiff
    • Newfoundland
    • St Bernard
  6. Breeding
    • Introduction
    • Female Reproductive System
    • Male Reproductive System
    • Sexual Behaviour
    • Mating Interaction
    • The Management of Reproduction
    • Desexing/Neutering/Spaying/Castrating
    • Pregnancy and birth
    • Parturition (Labour)
    • Suckling
    • Weaning
    • Factors Influencing Puppy Size
    • Puppy Development
    • The breeding industry
    • ‘Back-yard’ Breeders & Breeding for fun
    • Illegal Commercial Puppy Breeding Enterprises (Puppy Mills)
    • Breeding for Profit
    • Legislation and Licensing
  7. Dog Behaviour and Training
    • Understanding dog behaviour
    • The Importance of Training
    • Practical training techniques
    • Technique for Recall
    • Technique for Sit (in front)
    • Technique for Sit (at the side)
    • Technique for Stand (Beside)
    • Technique for Stand (Beside)
    • Technique for Leave
    • Technique for Down/Lay
    • Technique for Stay (beside)
    • Technique for Heeling
    • Behaviour Problems Present Opportunities for Business
    • Attributes of Successful Dog Trainers
    • Practical for Business Start-up
  8. Grooming
    • The Importance of Grooming
    • Grooming tools and equipment
    • What to groom, why and how
    • Skin
    • Bathing
    • Coat (hair)
    • Brushing:
    • Claws (nails)
    • Teeth
    • Teeth brushing
    • Ears
    • Professional grooming
    • Long haired dog breeds
    • Short hair breeds
    • Other breeds
    • Styles and clips
  9. Other Dog Services
    • Health and related services
    • Training and related services
    • Day care and long term stay services
    • Assistance dog services
    • Professional dog handling
    • Retail related services


  • Determine the typical daily needs of a dog, both physical and psychological. Discuss the nature and scope of services available to dog owners.
  • Describe the internal and external anatomy of a dog. Explain the standard physiology of a dog.
  • Identify common health issues that impact on a dog’s health, wellbeing and longevity. Determine appropriate measures to prevent problems arising or respond to problems in the first instance when they do arise.
  • Describe common ailments and optional treatments for those ailments.
  • Compare differentiating characteristics across breeds of dogs, including both desirable and undesirable characteristics.
  • Describe how dogs are bred and how the purity of breeds is controlled. Discuss the dog breeding industry and how to operate a dog breeding business.
  • Explain ways in which dogs can be trained. Discuss how to successfully operate a dog training or behavioural consultancy business.
  • Explain how to groom a dog.
  • Determine how to successfully operate a dog grooming business.
  • Explain the scope and nature of a wide range of products and services involved in the dog industry.
  • Determine how to successfully operate a range of different dog service businesses.

What You Will Do

  • Talk with people who work/have worked with dogs to discuss the most common health problems are seen in dogs.
  • Select three canine health conditions and undertake research into that condition. You should also note any particular breed pre-dispositions to the condition.
  • Visit a dog show, event, dog park (or any place where you will find a number of dogs) and observe the many physical differences in a wide range of different breeds. Take photos!
  • Research different pure breeds of dog that originally come from you own country. Aim to find out what the breed was originally used for.
  • Research local authorities, find out what requirements there are for dog breeder to run a breeding establishment.
  • Research the range of professional trainers and behaviour management businesses in your state, region or country.
  • Investigate services offered by three different groomers. Research the similarities and differences.

How To Keep Dogs More Calm?

Training is beneficial for both owner and dog. It will assist with obedience and toilet training and can be used to end undesirable behaviours. If you are purchasing a pure breed, research its temperament thoroughly first to ensure it is suitable for your home.  Behaviour has both genetic and learned components. Encourage good behaviours with positive reinforcement and avoid physical punishments, especially with more aggressive breeds.   

Puppies have short memories and attention spans and need to learn by repetition. Aim for short but frequent training sessions in the beginning (once daily is ideal as a minimum).  It is important to teach certain basic commands such as ‘sit’, ‘down’, ‘stay’ and ‘come’ and how to walk on a lead without pulling. Training basic commands are particularly important for the control and safety of the owner and dog. Imagine a situation where there is busy traffic, having a well trained dog able to sit and stay calmly is important, whilst you may also be busy securing children into a vehicle at the same time. 

Combinations of voice and hand signals are useful as then the dog can be controlled at a distance as well as close up. The best way to get a dog to come on a regular basis is to encourage it with a small food treat and a verbal cue. The dog will soon learn to associate coming to the owner with a reward. Never sound panicked and lose your temper when calling the dog as it will sense that something is wrong and will be less inclined to come back. It is a good idea to call the dog to you several times during a walk and not just when you are going to put the lead on otherwise it will soon associate returning to you with a loss of freedom.

A dog should never be smacked as punishment, especially on the nose, as the dog’s sense of smell can be easily damaged by doing this. If a dog is punished, you must catch it in the act of wrong doing or it will not associate the punishment with the deed.  Do not expect too much too soon but persist. Particularly with large or aggressive breeds it is crucial you are dominant. Even with smaller dogs, lack of dominance by the owner can result in nuisance and even aggressive behaviours. Seek professional training for large or aggressive breeds or if you have dominance issues.


Examples of related industries include:

  • Retail supplies – food, toys, training aids, leashes etc
  • Breeding enterprises
  • Boarding kennels/long-stay facilities
  • Walking and sitting services
  • Municipal/government department – managing registration, pound, Dog Catcher
  • Grooming
  • Trainer (behavioural, or work specific)
  • Behaviour consultant
  • Working dogs – herding, guard (security, livestock), guiding and leading, pet therapy animals, tracking dogs (army/police),
  • Rescue centres, pounds, foster homes, shelters
  • Funeral, cremation and memorial services
  • Health services – veterinary, nursing and alternative therapies

This course could lead to:

  • Work in a pet retail environment - many people in this industry lack deep knowledge of animals and their true needs.
  • Work self-employed as a dog care specialist!
  • Work in dog rescue or rehabilitation.
  • Work at boarding facility, or start your own boarding business. 
  • Work in fostering and minding. 
  • Work with dogs for the blind. 
  • Becoming an animal advocate. 
  • Becoming a blogger or writer for pet related business or services.
  • A first step to further education.




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