Botany I

Course CodeBSC104
Fee CodeS2
Duration (approx)100 hours
QualificationTo obtain formal documentation the optional exam(s) must be completed which will incur an additional fee of £30. Alternatively, a letter of completion may be requested.

Study, Learn, and Work More Effectively Growing and Managing Plants

An introduction to plant physiology and taxonomy, including general botany; morphology and anatomy. 

  • Botany provides a foundation for identifying plants easier and more accurately
  • When you know the physical structure of a plant, you will notice and remember distinguishing characteristics with more ease.
  • Botany provides insights into what makes plants grow, get sick, or die -and that knowledge helps farmers and horticulturists to greater success.
  • Advance your career, improve your job prospects, and develop a better appreciation for the environment.



Lesson Structure

There are 10 lessons in this course:

  1. Taxonomic Classification of Plants
    • Plant Taxonomy - Botanical/Horticultural Nomenclature
    • The Binomial System
    • Botanical Classification
    • Plant Families and Species
    • Hybrids, Varieties and Cultivars
    • Botanical Keys - How to use a botanical key
    • Key to Plant Groups
    • Key to Plant Phyla
  2. Cells and Tissues
    • Plant Cells - types of plant cells
    • Plant Tissues
    • Primary and Secondary Plant Growth
  3. Specific Vegetative Parts of a Plant
    • Stems - Different Stem Forms
    • Leaves - Leaf Structure and Arrangement
    • Roots - Root Structure (tap root, adventitious roots)
    • Common Botanical Terms
  4. Flowers and Fruit
    • The flower - inflorescence (panicle, umbel, composite head)
    • Fruits - Simple, Aggregate, Multiple
    • Reproductive Growth and Development
    • Pollination
    • Fertilization
    • Fruit setting
  5. Seed and the Developing Embryo
    • Seed Structure
    • Seed Coats
    • Food Storage Organs
    • Embryo
    • Seed Germination - Germination Requirements
    • Stimulation and Inhibition of Germination
    • Plant Reproduction -Propagation of Plants
  6. Photosynthesis and Growing Plants
    • Photosynthesis - the Photosynthetic Apparatus
    • Light transformation into energy
    • Photosynthetic process
    • Gas Exchange with the Atmosphere
  7. Respiration
    • Stages of Respiration
    • Krebs Cycle
    • Electron Transport Chain
    • Rate of Respiration
    • Control of ATP Production in Respiration
  8. The Role of Water
    • Osmosis
    • Water Movement from Soil to Root
    • Development of Root Pressure
    • The Transpiration Stream
    • Transpiration and Environmental Conditions
  9. Movement of Water and Assimilates through a Plant
    • Mechanisms of Nutrient Uptake
    • Absorption and Transport of Mineral Nutrients
    • Translocation of Sugars
    • Adaptations for Water Storage
    • Food and Water Storage Organs
  10. The Effects of Tropisms and Other Growth Movements
    • Plant Hormones
    • Tropisms
    • Phototropism
    • Geotropism
    • Thigmotropism
    • Other Growth Movements
    • Chemical Growth Modifications


  • Understand the relationship between the scientific principles of this unit and horticultural practices
  • Demonstrate a knowledge of the Plant Kingdom and understanding of the taxonomic hierarchy
  • Identify and describe the different types of plant cells and tissues, their structure and function
  • Determine the role and function of specific vegetative parts of the plant
  • Determine the role and function of the reproductive parts of the plant
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role and function of the seed in the life cycle of the plant
  • Explain the mechanism and the role of photosynthesis in the metabolism of plants and relate to plant growth in controlled environments
  • Explain the mechanism and the role of respiration in the metabolism of plants
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the role of water in the plant
  • Review the movement of water, solutes and assimilates through the plant
  • Understand the effects of tropisms and other plant movements on growth and development
  • Undertake risk assessments relevant to the learning outcomes in this unit

Why Should You Study Botany?

Botany forms a foundation for much of our world. Without an understanding of botany, we cannot properly manage plants; and without an ability to manage plants we would not be able to grow crops or fodder for farm animals; we would lack effective forestry, landscape or nursery industries; and we would not have the tools needed to rehabilitate or stabilize damaged soils.
Clearly, for anyone who works with the environment, animals or plants; a knowledge of botany; at least to the level covered in this course, is very important.
Unfortunately, despite it's significance; the study of botany has not always been given the priority it should have; and as a result, it is not uncommon for significant and costly mistakes to be made. Plants are planted in the wrong places, and all too often not managed well.


This course is an essential area of study for anyone who works with plants:

  • Gardeners and Landscapers
  • Environmental Managers and Farmers
  • Nurserymen and Plant Scientists
  • Herbalists and Aromatherapists
  • Teachers and Writers in Horticulture, Environmental Management and Agriculture

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