

Saxifrage, Rockfoil, London Pride

The leaves of many species are grouped at the base of the plant in a rosette. Clusters of white, pink, purplish or yellow flowers are produced on stalks which rise above the leaves.


Rockeries, borders, wild gardens, bog gardens, alpine gardens, basket plants, window boxes, roof gardens.


Both hardy and tender species exist. They prefer a sandy lime soil and shade from the sun.   


Most can be propagated by division after flowering. The easiest method of propagation is by detaching non-flowering rosettes removing the bottom leaves and growing as cuttings. 


Around 300 species and many named cultivars. They are often grouped into the following classes:

Mossy Saxifrages – moss-like appearance with green leaves.

Encrusted Saxifrages – silvery leaves occur in rosettes.

Megasea Saxifrages – large leathery leaves.

Cushion Saxifrages – leaves are small with pointed tips and form compact cushions.

Portphyrion Saxifrages – a trailing habit with small leaves.

Robertsonia Saxifrages - fleshy leaves in a rosette, spathulate shaped leaves (i.e. having a marrow base that becomes broader toward the tip).
Trachyphyllum Saxifrages – thick, linear leaves.

Miscellaneous Types – other forms that do not fit those above.

Plant Health

Rarely serious problems. Occasionally rust or rots in wet, humid conditions.

More info

Occurs naturally in both temperate and subarctic areas across the Northern Hemisphere and South America.

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