

Fragrant Olive

Evergreen; small trees and shrubs, some are similar to holly, flowers often fragrant and white.


Specimen tree, shubbery plant, hedge, screen.


Prefers a sheltered position from winds, most well-drained soils, full sun or light shade. Prune to shape only, or to maintain as hedge.


Semi-hardwood cuttings to 12cm may be taken in summer and kept at 18 degrees C; seed sown in early spring. Otherwise, layering may be done in autumn and new plants detached after one or two years.


Up to 20 species plus named cultivars such as:

O. heterophyllus ‘Variegatus’: A slow-growing shrub to small tree with dark, glossy green, holly-like leaves opposite on stems with a cream-white margin; scented autumn flowers.

Plant Health

Hardy and half hardy cultivars; few pest and disease problems.

More info

syn. x Osmarea

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