


Evergreen shrubs and climbers with showy flowers.


Ornamental plant, conservatory plant, greenhouse plant, or in mild temperate areas; shrubbery, embankment plant, hedge.


Filtered sun or light shade for at least part of the day; but avoid heavy shade; flowers best in full sun. Prune to contain shape and encourage new growth after flowering.


Cuttings strike at temperatures between about 21 and 25 degrees Celsius; layering may be possible in greenhouse conditions in temperate climates.


A hardier and more widely cultivated species in both mild temperate and sub tropical climates is P. auriculata (syn. P. capensis). It grows 1.5-3 metres. Prune this species after flowering to improve shape; white or pale blue flowers, spreading.

Plant Health

Many, but not every species are tender; require minimum winter temperatures of 7 degrees C. Usually grown as greenhouse or conservatory plants in temperate regions but may survive outdoors in mild temperate zones. Roots may become infested with root knot eelworms resulted in galls. Leaves may become yellow due to a physiological disorder.

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Widespread in warmer parts of the world; up to 15 species.

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