Zea mays


Sweet Corn

Tall erect annual to 3m (15 feet). Leaves are overlapping sheaths with broad blades. Male flowers are terminal spike-like racemes. Female inflorescenceoccur in large foliaceous bracts in the leaf axils. White, yellow, red or black seeds or cobs with long silk styles form on an almost woody axis.


Harvest when kernels or cobs reach full size. Flavour deteriorates rapidly after harvest. Can be frozen. Boiled, steamed or eaten raw. http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/Produce/ProduceFacts/Veg/corn.html


Plant in a sunny position. Requires 70-120 days of frost free weather to produce good quality crops. Fertilize with nitrogen during establishment, then replace with potash after the first six weeks. Optimum soil pH of 6.0 Arrange plants in rectangles to promote cross-pollination. Shelter from strong winds. Staggered planting will produce continuous crops. http://osu.orst.edu/Dept/NWREC/corn-fr.html


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Plant Health

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More info

'Home Vegetable Growing' and 'Commercial Vegetable Growing' courses through Australian Correspondence Schools, see www.acs.edu.au/hort 'Commercial Hydroponics' on CDROM from Australian Correspondence Schools, see www.acs.edu/shop

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