Spiraea cultivars


Meadow Sweet

Deciduous shrubs and herbaceous perennials, star-shaped flowers in plumes or flattened heads, attractive foliage.


Hedge, shrubbery, floral display, autumn foliage.


Prefers fertile, freely-draining organic soil, can become chlorotic in chalky soils, open position to light shade. Prune untidy or unwieldy shoots, trim back after flowering, some e.g. S. japonica can be hard-pruned in late winter to early spring close to old growth to encourage bushy new shoots. 


Semi-hardwood cuttings may be taken in summer using lateral shoots and kept in a cold frame. Otherwise, divide roots in winter. A few may be propagated by separating suckers.


Many different cultivars exist.

A common one is S. albiflora (syn. S. japonica ‘Albiflora’, syn. Sorbaria arborea): A small upright shrub with toothed lanceolate-ovate leaves, white summer flowers in flattened heads.

Plant Health

Hardy; few diseases but can be severely eaten by sawfly.

More info

Widespread across temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere, and as far south as Mexico; around 80 species.

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