Eucalyptus sideroxylon


Red Ironbark, Ironbark, Mugga

Tree from 10-30m tall with the typical tough, persistent ‘ironbark’ brown to black, and deeply furrowed and with a reddish coloured resin. Leaves are dull greyish/green 12cm long by 2cm wide; flowers white or yellowish, but sometimes pink or red - appearing in late autumn through to late spring.  


Timber tree useful for heavy construction. Also used for the extraction of volatile oils from the leaves and for honey production. It is useful ornamental in parks and larger gardens and as a windbreak. 


Grows on poor soils including sand, gravel, clay and ironstone; frost tolerant and moderately drought tolerant.


Propagation is from seed which germinates readily. Because of the genetic variation that occurs with seedlings, the red and pink flowered forms cannot be guaranteed to come true to type. However, a reasonably high percentage of seedlings do produce coloured flowers.



E.s. subsp. improcera
E.s var.pallens
E.s.  var. rosea


Plant Health

Generally healthy but may be susceptible to lerp, moths and weevils. 

More info

Origin:  NSW (mid-west inland) and some in northern Victoria.